The Power of Vulnerability: When You Cry, Who Cries with You?

I recently heard Muniba Mazari share a profound quote on The School of Greatness podcast with Lewis Howes: " When you laugh, the world laughs with you, but when you cry, you cry alone ." These words resonated deeply with me, and I couldn't help but reflect on my own experiences. How often have I shared my joys and successes with others, only to be met with celebration and support? But when I've faced struggles and heartaches, I've often felt like I'm walking alone. It's as if the world is eager to join in on our triumphs, but hesitant to bear witness to our pain. This is understandable considering there is so much pain in the world. One can only handle so much of it. However, I've been fortunate to have a few individuals in my life who have defied this notion. They've sat with me in my darkness, held my hand through my tears, and reminded me that I'm not alone. To them, I'm eternally grateful. I don't know what I would do without those ...