
Showing posts with the label Self-Empowerment

Finding My Why: A Journey of Self-Discovery

As I read Brent Gleeson's book " Embrace the Suck: The Navy Seal Way To An Extraordinary Life ," I was confronted with some tough questions: What do I value most in life? What is my ultimate purpose? My why? What is my plan for fulfilling that purpose? Click the book to reach my Amazon Affiliate Link, where I earn a small commission, at no added cost to you. At first, I thought, "Uh, good questions... um... _crickets_." But as I reflected on my life, which has taken some dramatic turns recently, I started to gain some clarity. What do I value most? Easy peasy: my relationship with God, my boys (aka my giant teen sons - yes, they're now taller than me!), my friends, and my church family. Those are my people, and I'd move mountains for them. What's my ultimate purpose? Loving God and loving others in a way that brings hope to the world. Yep, that's our church motto, and I'm sticking to it! Now, my why... Ah, my why used to be simple: my boys. T...

Fueling the Fire: Turning Negative Words into Motivation

Have you ever had someone doubt your capabilities, questioning your ability to achieve something? I recently found myself in a courtroom, listening to someone who was supposed to love me, tell a judge that I'm incapable. Those words could have broken me, but they ignited a fire within me. I realized I'd been doing what he claimed I couldn't do for a year and a half. What do you do when something like that happens? Here are 10 Steps to Handle Negative Talk: 1. Acknowledge the Emotion:  Recognize how their words make you feel. Anger, hurt, disbelief, or frustration are normal reactions. 2. Assess the Source: Consider the person's credibility and motivations. Are they trying to control or manipulate you?  Some people have to make you look bad to get what they want.  It doesn't mean there is an ounce of truth to what they say. 3. Focus on Facts: Remind yourself of your accomplishments and capabilities. I'd been doing what he claimed I couldn't do for a year a...