
Showing posts with the label Self-Discovery

Finding My Why: A Journey of Self-Discovery

As I read Brent Gleeson's book " Embrace the Suck: The Navy Seal Way To An Extraordinary Life ," I was confronted with some tough questions: What do I value most in life? What is my ultimate purpose? My why? What is my plan for fulfilling that purpose? Click the book to reach my Amazon Affiliate Link, where I earn a small commission, at no added cost to you. At first, I thought, "Uh, good questions... um... _crickets_." But as I reflected on my life, which has taken some dramatic turns recently, I started to gain some clarity. What do I value most? Easy peasy: my relationship with God, my boys (aka my giant teen sons - yes, they're now taller than me!), my friends, and my church family. Those are my people, and I'd move mountains for them. What's my ultimate purpose? Loving God and loving others in a way that brings hope to the world. Yep, that's our church motto, and I'm sticking to it! Now, my why... Ah, my why used to be simple: my boys. T...

The Bittersweet Taste of Love and Loss

As I sat watching Autumn in New York , a movie starring Richard Gere and Winona Ryder, one line resonated deeply with me: "I love food because it's the only beautiful thing that nourishes." But it was another theme that struck a chord - the risk of loving others when there's the possibility of losing them. By clicking on the picture, I earn a small commission if you purchase through Amazon. Will Keane, played by Richard Gere, is a man who has built walls around his heart, afraid to love again after past hurts. I understand that fear intimately. After 33 years of marriage, I'm now navigating the treacherous waters of separation and divorce. The thought of loving again seems daunting, even terrifying. But as I reflect on my journey, I realize that the fear of loving again is also a fear of loving myself. For so long, I defined myself through my relationship, my role as a partner, and my identity as a wife. Now, I'm forced to confront the question: who am I outs...

My First Victory as a Single Woman: Taking Down the Post-it Notes

As I sat at my husband's desk on that first Monday after our traumatic separation, I felt like I was drowning in a sea of uncertainty. The business he ran, our finances, online banking, bills – everything was a mystery to me. I had never been involved in the day-to-day operations, and now I was faced with the daunting task of figuring it all out on my own. But it was the post-it notes that really overwhelmed me. Thousands of them, stuck everywhere, covering every inch of the desk, walls, and even the computer monitor. 19 years' worth of reminders, notes, and to-do lists. It was like being swallowed alive by a colorful, sticky tidal wave. In that moment, I felt like I was losing myself in the chaos. But then I realized that I had a choice. I could let the post-it notes consume me, or I could take control. So, I took a deep breath and started removing them, one by one. It was a small act of defiance, but it was my first victory as a single woman. I shoved the post-it notes in...

Focus on Your Own Journey: The Power of Self-Direction (And Stop Comparing Yourself to Others, You're Not Winning)

As I write this, the world's top athletes are gathering for the 2024 Summer Olympics, a pinnacle of competition where every fraction of a second counts. Yet, in today's competitive world, it's easy to get caught up in comparing ourselves to others, even when we're not vying for a gold medal. We often find ourselves wondering why someone else is achieving more, earning more, or succeeding faster. But as Evy Poumpouras, in her book, "Becomming Bulletproof," so astutely points out, "Every ounce of energy you waste worrying about someone else's progress or performance is one less ounce of energy you can spend on yourself, on building your skills and making your own strides forward." Let's take a cue from these Olympic athletes, who focus on their own performance and progress, and remember that our own journey is the only one that truly matters. To purchase, click the book which leads to my affiliate link on Amazon. I remember being an elementary...

From Shattered to Whole: My Journey Through Separation, Divorce, and Healing

Introduction: Welcome to my corner of the internet! If you're navigating the messy, emotional, and sometimes hilarious world of separation and divorce, you're in good company. I'm thrilled to share my story, struggles, and triumphs with you. The Journey Begins: In March of 2023, in a very traumatic turn of events, my husband and I parted ways.  In the blink of an eye, my world was turned upside-down. The separation I never saw coming shook me to my core, leaving me to navigate uncharted territory and question everything I thought I knew about love, family, and myself.  As I struggled to find my footing, I realized this unexpected turn of events was also an opportunity for growth, transformation, and rediscovery. I've since experienced a rollercoaster of emotions - from shock and denial to fear, anger, sadness, and eventually, acceptance. But here's the thing: we are not alone in this wild ride. Finding Humor in the Chaos: Who says you can't find humor in heartac...