Finding My Why: A Journey of Self-Discovery

As I read Brent Gleeson's book "Embrace the Suck: The Navy Seal Way To An Extraordinary Life," I was confronted with some tough questions: What do I value most in life? What is my ultimate purpose? My why? What is my plan for fulfilling that purpose?

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At first, I thought, "Uh, good questions... um... _crickets_." But as I reflected on my life, which has taken some dramatic turns recently, I started to gain some clarity.

What do I value most? Easy peasy: my relationship with God, my boys (aka my giant teen sons - yes, they're now taller than me!), my friends, and my church family. Those are my people, and I'd move mountains for them.

What's my ultimate purpose? Loving God and loving others in a way that brings hope to the world. Yep, that's our church motto, and I'm sticking to it!

Now, my why... Ah, my why used to be simple: my boys. They're my world, my reason for getting up in the morning (even when they're being, well, teenagers). But then I realized, in four short years, they'll all be adults! _gasp_ What then?!

Time to update my why, perhaps? Maybe it's not just about my boys, but about the impact I want to make in the world. Maybe it's about spreading love, kindness, and hope to those around me.

And that's where my plan gets a bit fuzzy. Right now, it's about working hard as a single mom to provide for my boys. But what about when they fly the coop? Maybe it's time to dream bigger, to find new ways to fulfill my purpose.

As I ponder these questions, I'm reminded that life is a journey, not a destination. My values, purpose, and why might evolve, but that's okay. What matters is that I'm intentional about living a life that aligns with my heart and God's will for my life.

So, I'll keep embracing the suck, trusting that God has a plan to prosper me, not harm me (Jeremiah 29:11). And when the road ahead seems uncertain, I'll remember why I'm doing what I'm doing: to love, to hope, and to make a difference, one small step at a time.

© 2024 AKeenPerspective SDKeen


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