
Fueling the Fire: Turning Negative Words into Motivation

Have you ever had someone doubt your capabilities, questioning your ability to achieve something? I recently found myself in a courtroom, listening to someone who was supposed to love me, tell a judge that I'm incapable. Those words could have broken me, but they ignited a fire within me. I realized I'd been doing what he claimed I couldn't do for a year and a half. What do you do when something like that happens? Here are 10 Steps to Handle Negative Talk: 1. Acknowledge the Emotion:  Recognize how their words make you feel. Anger, hurt, disbelief, or frustration are normal reactions. 2. Assess the Source: Consider the person's credibility and motivations. Are they trying to control or manipulate you?  Some people have to make you look bad to get what they want.  It doesn't mean there is an ounce of truth to what they say. 3. Focus on Facts: Remind yourself of your accomplishments and capabilities. I'd been doing what he claimed I couldn't do for a year a...

Embracing the Art of Doing Nothing: Finding Healing in Stillness

Have you ever felt so overwhelmed that you just shut down and do nothing? Like, literally nothing? No motivation, no energy, no desire to even get out of bed? You're not alone. I recently experienced this firsthand. My weekend was supposed to be a productive one – I had a long list of tasks to tackle in the house, garden, and my businesses. But as I faced the weight of hefty decisions and mounting responsibilities, my body and mind said, "No more." I felt the familiar sensation of overwhelm creeping in, and before I knew it, I was stuck in a state of paralysis. Despite my best intentions, I accomplished very little that weekend. But as I looked back on those quiet, unproductive days, I realized that my body was trying to tell me something. It was screaming for rest, for stillness, and for the freedom to do nothing. This post may contain affiliate links, where I earn a small commission if you purchase from clicking on the link. In Elizabeth Gilbert's memoir Eat Pray Lo...

Nature's Messengers: How Animals Help Us Navigate Life's Journeys

In many American Indian cultures, animals were considered messengers of the Great Spirit, carrying guidance and wisdom. Encounters with wild animals were seen as opportunities for spiritual growth and self-reflection. I've always been fascinated by this idea, and recently, I've been wondering: does God really guide animals to cross our paths to convey messages? This concept isn't unique to American Indian cultures; the Bible also contains stories of animals being used as messengers from God. For example: - _Numbers 22:22-35_: A donkey sees an angel of the Lord and refuses to move, saving the life of its owner, Balaam. _1 Kings 17:4-6_: Ravens bring food to the prophet Elijah during a time of famine.  _Jonah 1:17_: A whale swallows Jonah, leading to his repentance and ministry.  _Genesis 8:8-12_: A dove returns to Noah's ark with an olive leaf, signaling the end of the flood and a new beginning. In the past week, I've had an unusual series of encounters with wild ani...

The Beauty of Being Unapologetically Yourself

As I drove down the rustic backroads, I stumbled upon a sight that left me in awe. A woman was walking her enormous Roly Poly black and white pig, just as one would walk their dog. What struck me wasn't just the unusual pet, but the woman's confidence and comfort in being different. Meta AI generated a photo based on my description of what I saw. In a world where conformity is often encouraged, it's refreshing to see someone embracing their individuality. The woman didn't seem embarrassed or apologetic about her unconventional pet; instead, she exuded a sense of freedom and joy. As I passed by, I couldn't help but reflect on my own life. How often do I hold back from being my true self, afraid of judgment or rejection? Yet, in that moment, I saw the beauty of unapologetic self-expression. The woman and her pig reminded me that being different is what makes us unique and beautiful. By embracing our quirks and individuality, we can live more authentic, fulfilling live...

The Power of Vulnerability: When You Cry, Who Cries with You?

I recently heard Muniba Mazari share a profound quote on The School of Greatness podcast with Lewis Howes: " When you laugh, the world laughs with you, but when you cry, you cry alone ." These words resonated deeply with me, and I couldn't help but reflect on my own experiences. How often have I shared my joys and successes with others, only to be met with celebration and support? But when I've faced struggles and heartaches, I've often felt like I'm walking alone. It's as if the world is eager to join in on our triumphs, but hesitant to bear witness to our pain. This is understandable considering there is so much pain in the world. One can only handle so much of it. However, I've been fortunate to have a few individuals in my life who have defied this notion. They've sat with me in my darkness, held my hand through my tears, and reminded me that I'm not alone. To them, I'm eternally grateful. I don't know what I would do without those ...

My First Victory as a Single Woman: Taking Down the Post-it Notes

As I sat at my husband's desk on that first Monday after our traumatic separation, I felt like I was drowning in a sea of uncertainty. The business he ran, our finances, online banking, bills – everything was a mystery to me. I had never been involved in the day-to-day operations, and now I was faced with the daunting task of figuring it all out on my own. But it was the post-it notes that really overwhelmed me. Thousands of them, stuck everywhere, covering every inch of the desk, walls, and even the computer monitor. 19 years' worth of reminders, notes, and to-do lists. It was like being swallowed alive by a colorful, sticky tidal wave. In that moment, I felt like I was losing myself in the chaos. But then I realized that I had a choice. I could let the post-it notes consume me, or I could take control. So, I took a deep breath and started removing them, one by one. It was a small act of defiance, but it was my first victory as a single woman. I shoved the post-it notes in...

Embracing the Wild: My Garden, My Rules

As I step into my garden, I'm surrounded by a tapestry of colors, textures, and life. It's a space where I embrace the beauty of imperfection, let go of control, and allow nature to take its course. My garden reflects my soul - wild, free, and unapologetic. I delight in the volunteers that sprout up, unexpected and uninvited. They're the rebels of the plant world, refusing to be confined to neat rows and tidy beds. I let them grow, spread, and flourish, because they remind me that life is full of surprises, and sometimes the best things come from unexpected places. And in years when money has been tight, these volunteers have been a lifeline. I've had seasons where tomato and tomatillo plants sprouted up in abundance, providing enough fresh produce to keep us well-fed.  And then there are the mini-pumpkins that sprout up, allowing me to decorate for my favorite season without spending a dime. It's a reminder that abundance can be wild and free and that sometimes the...