Nature's Messengers: How Animals Help Us Navigate Life's Journeys

In many American Indian cultures, animals were considered messengers of the Great Spirit, carrying guidance and wisdom. Encounters with wild animals were seen as opportunities for spiritual growth and self-reflection. I've always been fascinated by this idea, and recently, I've been wondering: does God really guide animals to cross our paths to convey messages? This concept isn't unique to American Indian cultures; the Bible also contains stories of animals being used as messengers from God. For example: - _Numbers 22:22-35_: A donkey sees an angel of the Lord and refuses to move, saving the life of its owner, Balaam. _1 Kings 17:4-6_: Ravens bring food to the prophet Elijah during a time of famine. _Jonah 1:17_: A whale swallows Jonah, leading to his repentance and ministry. _Genesis 8:8-12_: A dove returns to Noah's ark with an olive leaf, signaling the end of the flood and a new beginning. In the past week, I've had an unusual series of encounters with wild ani...